
The Benefits Of Collagen

The Benefits Of Collagen

Hydrolyzed collagen has been a popular ‘go to’ in the health food industry for some time now. With so many claims to healing qualities such as improved skin health, relief from joint pain and supporting heart health, collagen has become a staple in many people’s daily lives.

The benefits of collagen, internally and externally, seem to be noticed by collagen users… all by adding this simple protein into their daily routine.

While we talk a lot about details and types of collagen, and how to use it… let’s get back to the basics.

So, what exactly is collagen?


You may have heard of amino acids. They are the small building blocks that, when added together, create protein. Common amino acids such as lysine, glutamine, and tryptophan play specific roles all around the body.

For example, tryptophan helps us build serotonin, our ‘happy hormone’. When you string together a series of different amino acids, we get protein. Protein is needed for growth, repair, immune system support and all-around structural support.


Amino acids that make up collagen are arginine, glycine, glutamine, hydroxyproline and more. The amino acid content in collagen directly influences proper building and growth. Our bodies are made up of collagen. Collagen makes up most of our skin, tendons, ligaments and muscles. We can find collagen in our bones for strength, as well as in the walls of our arteries for that elastic stretch with blood pressure change. Collagen is abundant in the human body.


When we take a collagen product, we may notice a difference in how fast our hair or nails grow. Some individuals notice a difference in their skin such as less breakouts or more tightness and reduced fine lines. When we see the effects at such a superficial level, it is easy to understand and recognize the internal healing qualities and benefits of collagen, skin rejuvenation is just a fantastic bonus!

There are numerous reasons to take collagen. Below are just a few benefits of collagen and reasons why more and more individuals choose to supplement with this super food.


Aging, stress and activity all require adequate amounts of protein in an individual’s diet. Out of all the macro nutrients, (carbohydrates, fats and proteins), protein seems to be the most lacking in the North American diet. When there is not enough protein in the diet, body tissues break down faster, the aging process speeds up and we are not able to recover as quickly as we should.


If you tend to get sick often, you should consider increasing the amount of protein in your diet to help build immunity. The amino acids found in collagen will directly increase the number of immune cells that help you stay healthy by combating bacteria and viruses. The protein that makes up Collagen is like that of bone broth, hence the reason one should consume bone broth or collagen when sick to aid in quicker recovery.


Collagen protein directly contributes to the health of our joints. As we age, train and move, our joints become stressed. It is important to take care of our joints with rest, recovery and proper nutrition. Daily consumption of a Collagen supplement can contribute to the integrity and structure of joints.


There are many factors that contribute to an overall youthful look. Staying hydrated and consuming healthy fats is key when it comes to the beauty of your skin. Adding a Collagen supplement daily will contribute to the growth of collagen all around your body, noticeably the skin. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and integrity of our skin. The timeline for results can vary for everyone, from 4 weeks or more. The results you will experience by adding this simple supplement to your diet is so worth the wait.

Adding a clean and ethical source of Collagen to your daily health regime can pay off in big ways!




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Goutrin: The Pain Free Solution For Joints

Goutrin: The Pain Free Solution For Joints


Ever woken up with a stiff neck? How about right now, is your back stiff from sitting at your computer, currently reading this article? For the most part, we all experience joint pain to some degree due to athletic endeavours, long days at the office and the thing that we refer to as “kids.”But could you imagine having joint pain all the time? For those who suffer gout, you know this feeling all too well. Known as the “malady of kings,” gout is a form of arthritis that causes pain and inflammation within joints, leading to spikes of joint pain and significantly reduced mobility.


Gout comes in acute and chronic attacks, causing sharp bouts of pain in joints (especially the big toe) or prolonged joint pain, respectively. Either way, gout can seriously hinder movement through joint pain and inflammation, making everyday activities near impossible. Accounting for approximately 5% of arthritis cases, statistics reveal that although gout is 3 times as prevalent in men than women and affects those primarily in their 40’s/50’s, gout can afflict anyone, of any age.1In some cases, gout has been known to manifest even as early as after puberty. In addition, gout is more prevalent in those with kidney disease, since uric acid is processed in the kidneys.


Dietary, genetic and environmental factors cause a spike in a chemical called uric acid, which is normally processed by the kidneys. If uric acid rises to excess levels then uric acid crystals begin to form around joints, resulting in the characteristic joint pain, inflammation and redness with joints.


Bad news: As a form of arthritis, gout has no known cure. Good news: There are options to effectively manage symptoms, and reduce gout flare up frequency and severity. Take Goutrin, an organic blend of 5 potent antioxidants that have been proven to reduce uric acid within joints and reduce the frequency of gout flare-ups! Each vegetarian cap contains cherry, thyme, and celery seed powder, as well as vitamin C and peppermint extract, containing potent procyandins and phytochemicals that reduce the symptoms of redness, inflammation, and overall joint pain. The result? Better mobility, less joint pain, and a reduced severity of gout caused joint pain throughout the body – especially the knees, and peripheral joints in hands and feet. Combined with regular exercise, adequate water intake and a diet rich in healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and medium chain triglycerides, Goutrin helps to encourage healthy cartilage for joint cushioning, and reduces uric acid leading to gout pain.  



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Rainy Day Life Hack: Dengue

Rainy Day Life Hack: Dengue

What is Dengue?

Dengue Fever is caused by the dengue virus transmitted from the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. There are no specific medications or antivirals to treat dengue fever so treatment is directed towards the relief of symptoms.

Symptoms of Dengue

The most common symptoms are fever and one or more of the following

  • Headache
  • Eye pain (typically behind the eyes)
  • Muscle, joint, or bone pain
  • Rash
  • Nausea and vomiting

*SEVERE dengue is an EMERGENCY. Recognize the warning signs!*

If you or a family member develops any of these warning signs, go to a local clinic or emergency room immediately:

  • Stomach or belly pain, tenderness
  • Vomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)
  • Bleeding from the nose or gums
  • Vomiting blood, or blood in the stool
  • Feeling tired, restless, or irritable

How to prevent DENGUE?

  • Use insect repellent
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
  • Take steps to control mosquitoes inside and outside your home
    • Use screens on windows and doors. Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
    • Search for sources of stagnant water. Drain, plug  or throw them out. E.g.: tires, pots, planters, buckets, garbage bins, pet cage, etc.
    • Clean your surroundings esp. the gutters, storm drains, etc.
    • Trim and clean the garden, as it could also be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
    • Use mosquito nets when sleeping.
  • Support fogging in hotspot areas
woman wearing black fitness outfit performs yoga near body of water


woman wearing black fitness outfit performs yoga near body of water

Build Your IMMUNITY With These Simple IMMUNE BOOSTING Habits


You can’t hide from all the germs. Theoretically, you could spend a lot of time and money sanitizing your whole life. But where’s the fun in that? Also, it’s unnecessary. Your body can protect itself  that’s what the immune system does. So, build your immunity instead of obsessing over avoiding germs. Luckily, simple immune boosting habits easily mesh with your healthy lifestyle.

And you don’t need anything special to support your immune health. Healthy living and tweaks to your lifestyle are enough to help build your immunity.

A lot of these immune boosting habits double as generally helpful healthy behaviors. That means you can earn a lot of health benefits out of these simple changes to your life. So, you’ll obtain a lot more out of these actions than any efforts to sterilize your entire life.

Sleep Your Way to a Healthy Immune System

When you’re tired, so is your immune system. This puts you at risk for coming down with whatever is going around. Tucking in for enough high-quality sleep is a dream for you, and your immune health.

Sleep allows your body including the parts of your immune system to rest, repair, and refresh. This nightly renewal helps build your immunity. Need proof?  A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed a link between adequate sleep and immune function.

Researchers identified the eight-hour mark as an important line of demarcation. Less than eight hours of sleep was tied to a three-fold increase in the likelihood of catching the common cold. Other research supports this conclusion, showing how immune-cell production can be hampered by sleep deprivation.

One simple immune boosting habit is making the time for at least eight hours of quality sleep. That could mean setting a bedtime alarm, or giving yourself deadlines for nighttime activities. And remember to work your way up to your goal. It’s probably not sustainable to go from six hours to eight immediately. But you can work your way up in smaller, 15-minute increments.

Use Moderate Exercise to Build Your Immunity

Exercise is great for many things, including weight management  and stress management. But the relationship between working out and immune function is slightly more complicated.

Researchers have struggled to lay out all the details involved in exercise’s impact on immunity. That’s not surprising. There are complex reactions happening especially with strenuous exercise.

One thing is clear, though: moderate exercise is beneficial for your immune system. One study says it seems to exert a protective effect. Being in better shape helps with overall health, so your immune system benefits, too. And the movement aids blood flow and helps immune cells migrate throughout your body.

You don’t have to overdo it, though. And maybe you don’t really want to, given some of the research about strenuous exercise and immunity (it may, at least temporarily, dampen the immune system). Just getting moderate exercise like a 30-minute walk every day is enough. Also, it’s an immune boosting habit you can fit into your life without too much extra effort.

Help Your Immune System with Good Hygiene

You’re frequently told to wash your hands. And it’s for good reason. This tip doesn’t build your immunity or directly boost your immune system. But it will help you stay healthy, so it’s worth mentioning.

A consistent (not obsessive) hand-washing habit helps you limit your exposure to certain germs. It rinses away the potential pathogens that get on your hands. That keeps them from landing in airways, eyes, or other bodily entrance points. And it keeps you healthy.

The Most Relaxing Immune Boosting Habits

Normal, everyday stress the kind of minor, daily annoyances that add up is enough to throw your life out of whack. You probably already know how stress impacts your weight, sleep, and overall wellbeing. But it also can wreak havoc on your immune function.

Your hormones are to blame. That’s because stress hormones negatively impact many parts of your immune system. These hormones hamper the production of antibodies (proteins that mark invaders) and other immune cells. Stress has even been shown to give latent viral infections new life.

Unless you go to great lengths, you can’t totally avoid stress. So, you must learn to manage it. And it’s not easy. The phrase just relax is one of the least helpful things imaginable. Good thing other stress-management techniques are simple, and do work, though.

Try any of these approaches that sound nice to you:

  • Get a massage
  • Take a walk out in nature the outside part is important
  • Develop and practice a self-care routine, like hygge
  • Meditate or do some deep breathing
  • Socialize with friends and family
  • Prioritize free time by blocking out your calendar for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Laugh (it really might be the best medicine)

Pets Can Perk Up Your Immune Health

Your pets are more than cuddly, cute, and loving. They’re beneficial to your health in many ways. And building immunity is definitely one of them.

Pets are great for melting stress away and helping you get moderate exercise. You’ve already heard about how exercise and stress management are immune boosting habits. But your pets can do more for your immunity and it’s because they can be kind of gross.

That’s right. The microbes your pets naturally have or bring into your house aren’t all bad. They help build your immunity through exposure, which as you’ll learn below can be more helpful than harmful.

Researchers have found that infants who grow up around animals are less likely to develop allergies. And one study even showed that petting a live dog can increase an important immune-system protein immunoglobulin A. So, give your pet some extra attention and affection for all the help they give your immunity.

Avoid Overindulging in Alcohol and Stop Smoking

Sometimes building immunity means moderating or ditching certain habits. Two you hear about in discussions of overall healthy habits also impact your immune health smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Both impair important barriers that help protect you from potential pathogens. Smoking impacts your nose and mouth, damaging the linings that help guard your airways from germs. Alcohol also strips away the lining of your mouth and throat. This leaves you vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

So, if you’re going to drink, do it in moderation. But there’s no moderation when it comes to smoking. Quitting is the best option for your immunity and your overall health.

Be Adventurous

Your immune system adapts to your life. It learns from the bacteria, viruses, and other microbes you encounter. And you come out with better immune protection.

That’s why the sterile approach to life doesn’t help build your immunity. It’s OK to take proper precautions. You don’t want to intentionally expose yourself to harmful bacteria or viruses. But being adventurous going outside, eating fermented foods, and experiencing life is one of the best immune boosting habits you can have.

Living your life helps your adaptive immunity (the part of your immunity that catalogs the microbes it encounters). It builds up your immunity memory bank and primes your immune system to protect you.

Make the Small Changes to Help Your Immune Health

Your immune system is always on alert. Its whole job is to keep you healthy. So, treat it right by incorporating some of these simple immune boosting habits into your life. You’ll build your immunity, and enhance your overall health, too.

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